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Norwest Endodontics
Suite 411, East Lobby, 33 Lexington Drive
Bella Vista, NSW 2153
02 8814 5621
02 8814 5931

Coffs Endodontics
8 / 60-62 Albany Street
Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450
02 6699 2969
02 8814 5931

Hornsby Endodontic Practice
42 Silvia Street
Hornsby, NSW 2077
02 9987 4744
02 8814 5931

Financial Policy




The fees for your endodontic treatment will be based on the extent of treatment. During your first visit we will discuss the treatment options, treatment procedure, duration , and the fees involved.


Initial consultation fees starts from $250 and this can vary depending on the requirements of your referral and further imaging.


The fees for treatment may vary depending on the procedure however a fully itemised estimate can be provided prior to you undergoing treatment. We expect that you pay for your treatment at each appointment.


If you have private dental insurance please bring the necessary information to allow us to process the claim via HICAPS machine on your behalf. Please note that your Private Health Fund rebate is determined solely by the fund themselves and  any discrepancies regarding your rebate must be discussed with your fund.


Payments can be made by: Visa, MasterCard. EFTPOS, HICAPS, Cash or Cheque (we do not accept AMEX or Diners). 


Failure to attend an appointment without sufficient notification will result in an invoice which will reflect the amount of time that has been set aside for you. 48 hours notice necessary to avoid incurring this fee.


We try to allocate the appropriate amount of time required for each consultation and treatment however due to the complexity of some patients' cases, we do not always "run to schedule" as we prioritise patient care and management. Please allow sufficient time when attending your appointment and we do appreciate your patience and understanding.

Norwest Endodontics
Suite 411, East Lobby, 33 Lexington Drive
Bella Vista, NSW 2153

02 8814 5621
02 8814 5931

Coffs Endodontics
8 / 60-62 Albany Street
Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450

02 6699 2969
02 8814 5931

Hornsby Endodontic Practice
42 Silvia Street
Hornsby, NSW 2077

02 9987 4744
02 8814 5931