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Norwest Endodontics
Suite 411, East Lobby, 33 Lexington Drive
Bella Vista, NSW 2153
02 8814 5621
02 8814 5931

Coffs Endodontics
8 / 60-62 Albany Street
Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450
02 6699 2969
02 8814 5931

Hornsby Endodontic Practice
42 Silvia Street
Hornsby, NSW 2077
02 9987 4744
02 8814 5931

What is Endodontics?
Our Endodontic practice offers specialty care in the following:
  1. Initial Endodontic therapy  (root canal treatment)
  2. Non surgical re-treatment  (Re-treatment of the initial root canal treatment)
  3. Surgical re-treatment (Endodontic microsurgery also known as an apicoectomy)
  4. Treatment of dental trauma
  5. Regenerative Endodontics


For further information regarding our services please call our friendly receptionist to schedule a consultation appointment.


Dr Shalin Desai, Endodontics, Endodontist, Sydney, Coffs Harbour, Norwest Business Park, Bella Vista, RCT, Root Canal Treatment
What is an Endodontist and what do they do?
Endodontists are your dentists' partners in suporting your quality dental care. All dentists are trained in diagnosis and simple endodontic therapy, however, some teeth can be especially difficult to diagnose and treat. Hence you may have been referred to an endodontic specialist. Endodontists are dentists who specialize in maintaining teeth through endodontic therapy procedures, involving the soft inner tissue of the teeth, called the pulp.  The word "endodontic" comes from "endo" meaning inside and "odont" meaning tooth.
Endodontists are dentists with special training in endodontic procedures. They focus on endodontics in their practices because they are specialists. To become specialists, they complete dental school and an additional at least three years of advanced training in endodontics. They perform routine as well as difficult and very complex endodontic procedures, including endodontic microsurgery.
Your dentist may have referred you to an endodontic specialist to manage difficult and complex tooth status, some medical conditions, treatment preferences, pain tolerance and/or the overall high quality of your dental care.
The endodontist is a valuable partner on your general dentist’s team of trusted caregivers, and is no different than medical specialists who provide expert advice for heart, bone or other health problems. Endodontists are uniquely qualified to evaluate whether your tooth can be saved, and which option is best for you.
Do Endodontist perform only root canal treatment?

Besides treating complex and challenging teeth with root canal treatment, endodontists are also specialist in:


Diagnoses and Treatment of Pain
Oral pain such as toothaches or cracked / fractured teeth can often be difficult to pinpoint.  Because of the vast network of nerves in the mouth, the pain of a damaged or diseased tooth often is felt in another tooth and/or in the head, neck, or ear. An endodontist is a specialist in diagnosing and treating this type of pain.
Dental Trauma
Pulp damage is sometimes caused by a blow to the mouth, and the endodontist specialises in treating these traumatic injuries. For example, a blow to a child's permanent tooth that is not fully developed can cause the root to stop growing. A procedure called apexification stimulates bone to be deposited at the end of the root which makes it possible to then save the tooth through a specific root canal procedure. An endodontist is specially trained in procedures for replanting teeth that have been knocked out of their sockets.
What is 'Root Canal'?
Root canals are hollow spaces inside the root of a tooth that normally houses a alive and healthy soft tissue (pulp) containing blood vessels and nerves. However due to large decayed cavity, faulty fillings or trauma, the pulp tissue may become infected; leading to eventual abscess in the bone around the tip of the root (seen as black shadow on x-rays). These infections in many instances are mild to severely painful, however it is not uncommon for pulp to become infected and dental abscesses to develop and expand in the jaw bone without any pain at all. 
To retain the tooth and resolve bone abscess, root canal treatment is perfomed. The basic steps for root canal treatment includes:
  1. Removal of all decay / defective fillings and gaining access into the hollow part of root to locate and negotiate all the root canals present the tooth
  2. A thorough disinfection of the infected pulp tissues up to tip of the root in all root canals. An antibacterial medication will be packed in the root canals and a small temporary filling will be placed
  3. After 1-4 weeks of monitoring period, a permanent filling will be placed in the root canal space. Most treatments take two visits but occasionally three appointments are needed.


In any case, it depends on the degree of infection/inflammation and degree of treatment difficulty.  To me, it's more important to do it the very best we can then to meet a specific time criteria


What is the sucess rate of root canal treatment?
There are, of course, no guarantees. Root canal or endodontic therapy has a very high degree of success, frequently over 90%.  We will discuss with you the chances of success before any endodontic procedure to help you make an informed decision.  If a root canal or endodontic therapy is unsuccessful or fails you still have options.
Norwest Endodontics
Suite 411, East Lobby, 33 Lexington Drive
Bella Vista, NSW 2153

02 8814 5621
02 8814 5931

Coffs Endodontics
8 / 60-62 Albany Street
Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450

02 6699 2969
02 8814 5931

Hornsby Endodontic Practice
42 Silvia Street
Hornsby, NSW 2077

02 9987 4744
02 8814 5931